Front Cover

This is was my first idea and trial for the front cover of my magazine. I chose the name "SHSG Insight" because i from my research i found that a large majority of people would be interested in reading about interviews in the magazine. When i think of an interview i think of it as being an insight into the goings on in the school or what is happening outside of school. I chose to put the title at the bottom as if  was to put it at the top it would have been covering the top of the photo and i thought that this would make the magazine look more interesting.
As for the arrangement of headlines i thought that as this was a good space as it was the least busy, however when i had thought i had finished it I realised that it didn't look very professional and i wasn't happy with how it looks so i decided to change the layout of the whole front cover.
Unfortunately when i saved this version there was an error so that has ruined the photo a bit but not too badly so it can just be ignored.

This is my final design for my front cover. The changes that i chose to make were to move the title text further up the picture and put a black line under it, i did this because i feel that it is more eye catching. I also added a black line at the very top and wrote in white over it things that will be able to be found in the issue. On a normal magazine this would be found at the bottom but i put it at the top for a bit of originality. To the bottom of the front cover i added a barcode, price, date and issue number. I did this to give the impression of a more professional magazine that doesnt just look like a poster. I also rearranged the layout of the text and addd some extras such as competitions and more insight as to what would be in the magazine. I did this in order to attract more people to buy it as they would be in with a chance of winning some good prizes and they would aslo be able to find out more about the school.