Analysis of Student Magazine


This is a magazine for students around the ages of 16+. It is used to inform these students of the latest goings on around in the country.

The image on the front cover is unusual. The fact that the lighting in the back ground is dark and plain shows that this image was taken in a professional photography studio with a black background and the lights and flash were placed in front of the comedian and puppets in order to the the whiteness behind them. You can also tell that it was created in a professional studio because of the quality of the photograph.

The use of the puppets on the front cover show that this magazine is based around entertainment. The comedian in the middle's expression connotes a hint of irony. The use of the puppets also gives the impression that the comedian uses puppets in his show.

The fact that there is a minimum amount of writting on the front of the cover if effective because what there is, is just straight to the point and tells the auidence what the magazine is about. Also the fact that in the title the use of the informal font on the word "magazine" shows that it is a magazine for students.

The angle of the shot is from just above the comdien this is shown by the fact that his eyeline is slightly tilted up. The comedian and puppets are in a triangle shape, this is often used by photographers who are created the images for the front covers of magazines.


This magazine is also aimed at people/students around the ages of 16-18 however this magazine has a smaller target audience as it is just for students studying drama.

The image on the front cover is bright and the camera has a shallow depth of field. This makes the photograph focused on the objects/people in the front of the shot, creating a more personal photo as the eye focuses on the emotions of the face rather than wondering around the photograph. By the lighting of the photograph being bright gives the impression of a cheerful person.

The text on the front cover is quite informal so shows that it is for students and young people rather than business people. The writing on the front of the magazine is brief yet instructive, it tells the reader who is being interviewed in the magazine and right at the bottom in small print it has a list of other articles that are in the magazine - "training, auditions, theatre, culture, books, wellness." a list like this is consistent with all the magazines.

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